Friday, October 24, 2008

Mini-assignment 4

Wow, this one was pretty neat. I couldn't find any good pictures to merge to make my panorama, so instead I just found one good picture and then copied it three times, merged it and then used the clone tool to make each picture unique enough so you couldn't tell that they're all actually the same picture. Cool huh? I also used color adjust, brightness/contrast, Gaussian blur, and a bunch of other tools that don't really count for the assignment. I didn't replace the sky completely like we did in class, but I definitely replaced it in parts using the clone tool. I hope that counts.

Oh, and since I turned this assignment in early, since it's technically due on Monday since I used the clone tool, can I use that to make up for one of my other mini-assignments turned in late? Come on Adam, it's almost the holiday season. Let's spread the cheer. I promise to pay it forward.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Actually, Mini assignment 4 is due Friday. The extension to Monday was given for Assignment #8 only and only if you used the clone. Sorry.