Friday, October 31, 2008

Illustrator day (Happy Halloween!)

Today I learned lots of new things about Illustrator. We worked on creating a strat column, that was super cool. That's a skill I plan on using a lot.

Once again, the lithologic swatches didn't work on this computer. I think it is just this computer, because it wasn't working on Wednesday either.

So, my Halloween plans for the night are pretty awesome. I'm going to DI with a friend of mine where we're going to randomly pick each others costumes, and then we're going party-hopping since there are dozens of parties going on tonight. I'm pretty excited. I need to get out. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Illustrator

Wow, today we went over a whole bunch of new things in Illustrator. Super cool! These programs are awesome! I wish I had taken this class before I took Strat and Sed so that I could've made my own figures. I especially loved the lithologic swatches. That was super awesome, I'm still all excited about it.

The whole tracing tool, (what we did with the cat) didn't work quite the same for me. I think that maybe my options were a little different, I don't know.

Hmm, I've had a lot of cool Halloween costumes, but last year I went as Carmen Sandiego. That was pretty cool. I loved being all red and mysterious and stuff. It was pretty rad.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Illustrator Day! I absolutely loved it! So cool. But I did get a little carried away and now it looks like a schitzophrenic four year old got a hold of my paper, but I had fun with it. Now I'm all full of cool ideas of things I'm going to use Illustrator for. Yipee!

There's tons of things I don't know yet, but hey, it's the first day. No worries

Man, I don't want to know a thing about the future. I can barely handle the past and I'm full of plans for the future hour, so I think knowing the future would overwhelm me. Honestly, I'm glad that life doesn't have a magical crystal ball. Looking at where I've been I wouldn't change a thing, but I'm pretty positive that if you had shown me the future in the past before I had lived it, it would've scared the pants off of me. Yeah, not being able to tell the future was a good call on our Creator's part.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mini-assignment 4

Wow, this one was pretty neat. I couldn't find any good pictures to merge to make my panorama, so instead I just found one good picture and then copied it three times, merged it and then used the clone tool to make each picture unique enough so you couldn't tell that they're all actually the same picture. Cool huh? I also used color adjust, brightness/contrast, Gaussian blur, and a bunch of other tools that don't really count for the assignment. I didn't replace the sky completely like we did in class, but I definitely replaced it in parts using the clone tool. I hope that counts.

Oh, and since I turned this assignment in early, since it's technically due on Monday since I used the clone tool, can I use that to make up for one of my other mini-assignments turned in late? Come on Adam, it's almost the holiday season. Let's spread the cheer. I promise to pay it forward.

Mini-assignment 3

Wow, I really like this one too. The original image I started out with was so bad! But it looks pretty good now. I used color balance, brightness/contrast, Gaussian blur, burn/dodge, hue/saturation, black/white, and a couple of other things, but that ought to do it point-wise I think. Hmm, now I really need to get a car and not just a really cool picture of one...

Mini-assignment 2

I really like this one. It turned out really well I think.

For this one I used the crop tool, and then I straightened out the image. After all that I adjusted the brightness and contrast of the photo and the color balance. Enjoy all!

Mini-assignment 1

Hey Adam,

Tools used:

Besides choosing a color scheme, I used overlay, crop, blur, (and a bunch of others that I'm not really getting points for, so I'm not going to list them all...)


Good bye fat Italian Man!

Today I learned how to rid my life of fat Italian men. Thank you so much Nichole for that golden drop of knowledge. But seriously guys, the clone tool pretty much rocks. I'm already envisioning a good and happy time making better friends with the clone tool.

I know that there are a ton of things I don't know about Photoshop, and so I look forward to learning a lot more about it.

So I do have a lot of cool superstitions I pay tribute to, but they are mostly only for fun and fake karma. It's actually a really good thing that I don't have any serious superstitions because then I would be in big trouble because I am pretty much the epicenter of many superstitious earthquakes. For example, my birthday is on Friday the 13th every eight years or so (stupid leap year keeps messing things up), I have a black, manx cat at home, and I pretty much step on every crack known to man. So yeah, good times, and good bye-jinx-you-owe-me-a-dollar!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More awesome Photoshop stuff!

Once again, I have almost no experience with Photoshop, so everything we learned today will be placed in my "Golden Drops of Knowledge" bucket. I super loved doing the panarams today! That was so awesome! I'm so designing the next geomorph book!

I'm still not very good at selecting/deselecting the right layers yet, but I'm getting better at it. I guess I just always lose track of where I'm at.

As far as sports go, if it's not soccer or the Olympics, then I'm probably more in it for the socialization and the food. Sorry football fans, but only England does "football" right...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Okay, that last title was an accidental fluke...

Wow, I was all, burning and dodging and sponging today. It was awesome! Basically it was the coolest thing ever. I think that if this whole geology thing doesn't work out for me, I might just become a photoshop expert and make my millions that way.

I got kinda messed up with that whole bandaid option (okay, I thought it was the eraser...), and then I couldn't seem to get my eraser options to work right, but I think it'll work next time. I can always lean over and ask Miriam. She knows everything.

So, one of my favorite Fall activities is, uh, uh, my birthday! Yeah, basically that makes fall rock. It's in mid-November, and it just kinda makes near-end-of-the-semester-stress lighten a bit.

I'll dodge your burn!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Photoshop Day 2

Hmm Hm! Photoshop Day 2! Definitely cool. Once again, everything was new. I really liked the photo manipulation parts. All my texts are looking pretty wild right now. Love it. Sorry Adam, I can't really place exactly what I didn't understand.

So, I've been really lucky to have been on a ton of really great dates, but definitely one of my favorites was a blind date I went on a couple of years ago. It was just a really great date because the people were really great, my date was really great, our activity was really great, everything was just really great. I had a blast. Anyway, I'm going to lunch right now, so if you want more details, you'll just have to ask me later.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Photoshoppe Day!

Okay, so today was really cool because I had never messed around with photoshop before, so the whole lecture today was new. Looo-ved it! I'm definitely looking forward to messing around with pictures in the future... :P

I don't really know yet what I didn't understand, but I'll let you know later when I'm trying to put it all together!

So, I've had a lot of weird injuries, but I think one of the worst would've been the time when I pulled my hip in a gopher hole on the second day of soccer tryouts my Sophomore year of High School. I was out for like, two weeks. Dumb gophers...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Review Day

So, today we had review for the test day. It was pretty cool, but I gots some studying to do. I definitely appreciated hearing things again. I guess I'm a repetative learner.

I'm still not sure that I'm kosher with the whole hyperlink thing, but I'll just ask my neighbor and catch up on that one.

Once upon a time, when I was a young tot, I had a kitten named Rocky (so named after the oldest brother on the 3 Ninjas. Heeyaw!). However, much to my dismay, my siblings called him Sampson (I know! Crazy right?!). Anyway, I loved Sampson a lot, and life was good. Until that fateful weekend when we went to Idaho. Oh, the weekend was fine....for us. Sampson however met his untimely fate underneath the hot rubber wheels of a heartless driver, and spent the rest of his weekend smeared on the street outside of our house. Sigh. The horror. Don't worry, my parents mostly shielded me from the sceen, but I was a creatively graphic kid. Sniff. Anyway, that's the end so, The End...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wow, today we learned a ton about Excel 2007. Pretty much everything that we learned about graph manipulation was news to me. Props Nichole. I'm going to be an amazing grapher someday!

The whole "select data" business was still a little confusing to me. I think that, if left to my own devices, I would find round about ways to do what I could do there. I think I'll have to see it again a couple of times before I'm confident enough to do it on my own.

So, if money wasn't an issue, I would totally see the world. I would go hiking through the Himalayas. I would helicopter over Alaska. I would kayak through the Amazon. I would definitely tour Europe. I would take a jeep to the African Savanna. Check out the outback! Gah, now I'm getting excited and the only trip I have to look forward to today is to the JKB. Oh well. Someday.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The largest difference was 8592.8m.

Sorry Nichole, but I absorbed it all...

Ooh, and for Sunday morning I love awesome omletts with fun stuff in it. But cinnamon rolls are tasty too.

Friday, October 3, 2008

So today we went over the assignment due for the day. That was pretty helpful, props for that.

I'm still not all square about the Excel stuff, but I think I'll just play with it in some of my free time and be cool with that.

I play several instruments. None of them particularly well, but not bad. My best would probably be the bari saxophone though. I love playing jazz especially. Way too much fun!
I would love to learn more piano and guitar though. I think they're really beautiful instruments. Ooh, and the clarinet/oboe would be really neat too!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Adobe Professional

Hey Nichole,
So, basically, that was probably the coolest lecture ever. Pretty much I'm going to make friends with Adobe now I think. Seriously, that was really awesome! I lvoe the stamp and writing tools. My fav.

I'm still not quite sure how to manipulate some of my toolbars, but I think I'll figure it out okay.

Yeah, I have a lot of weird relatives, but really, who doesn't? But near the top of the list would probaby be my uncle Gary. He looks like Santa Clause in leather who rides a Harley. Seriously, I love him, he's awesome, but he's jolly 'ole Saint Nick gone baaad. Duuude!