Friday, November 21, 2008

ARCGis Day 2 (or, arcgisday2 I should say...)

Wow, ARCGis is finniky! Sheesh. Today we learned about shapefiles, I'm still not sure what I'm anchoring all this information to, but I hope I'll be there someday soon.

I'm still not sure quite how to do georeferencing, I'll have to get more help on that on Monday.

I start listening to Christmas music whenever I so desire. Sometimes that means December, and sometimes that means June. Christmas spirit all year round!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ARCGis Day

Holy GeoRef Batman! That was pretty dense. I'm not sure I really caught all of that. I'm still not sure how to do the reference points. It seemed like a pretty cool program, but I couldn't really seem to make it work very well for me. I'll probably be coming in early tomorrow to get a few more pointers on it.

I think my favorite book I've been reading lately is the Book of Mormon. Definitely a thriller! Besides that I'm re-reading the Narnia series. I've been on a huge C.S. Lewis fix this last year or so. That man is the bomb! I think the Screwtape Letters is my favorite so far, but I am definitely loving the Christian symbology and subtle philosophies he puts in the Narnia books. Great stuff!

Monday, November 17, 2008

ArcGIS Day - It's all news to me!

Today we started learning about ArcGIS. We didn't get through too much information about it, it seems like a pretty complicated program, but I am excited to learn more.

Things I understand/learned about ArcGIS = little

Things I don't understand = most of it. But it's early yet.

Hmm, my favorite place to eat changes by the day. I'm a variety girl. Guru's is always good, I always gain like, 10lbs when I eat at the Lotus Garden, and I often eat at the Creamery. But none of these places come close to encroaching upon mother's kitchen. Whewee that's good!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Review Day

Today we reviewed for our test which was really good. I'm always better at learning things with repetition, so a lot more things made sense to me today.

I think I understood everything Nichole said, I don't believe I missed anything.

So today for joke time, I'll tell you one that my calculus teacher said this morning. Please note that it was my math teacher who told me this. "What do mathematicians use for birth control? Their personalities." Ha ha, I couldn't believe he told us that, and the funny thing is that his son is actually in that class. I don't know why we find self-deprecation so funny. It's an interesting thing about human nature.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Powerpoint Day

Today we learned lots of really cool things to do with Powerpoint. I learned about links, that was new information. No questions for you though, sorry.

Hee hee, now I get to critique Adam. This is gonna be good...

distracting sound, poor grammer, hard to read text, inconsistent, (good talking speed though), good pictures, distracting graphics, admitted to not practicing presentation, (wow, lots of people are typing lightning speed, well done Adam). You win, nice job.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Today we learned all about making professional posters. I think I'm finally starting to make friends with Illustrator! I am, even now, brainstorming amazing poster designs and options for my poster. ...Ooh, that's gonna be good...hmm, maybe in red?...well if I increase the font size there...

I didn't catch where to find the official BYU logos, but I'm sure I could find them if I just did a search on the BYU website. No problem.

Let's see, my favorite class in geology would have to be Strat and Sed with Doc Morris. It was just an amazing class. I learned a ton and it totally increased my geological knowledge and vocabulary by an awesome amount. As far as favorite class of all time, my ninth grade Earth Science Honors class totally changed my life and is largely the reason that I am here in the geology program at BYU today. But then, all the geology classes I've taken so far have been extraordinary and I also absolutely love the religion classes here as well. Ah, life is good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Poster: An anatomical view

Today we looked at posters, and then we looked deeper into posters and then we discussed about what makes a good poster. It was pretty awesome, I hope to make many posters in the future. I really liked what we talked about concerning the symmetry of a poster. Symmetry seems to be the theme of the world right now. We obsess about it in Mineralogy, and we've been talking about it in Calculus. The only thing I need now is some symmetry in Book of Mormon to make my life complete. Does Isaiah's chiasmas count?

Since I missed the last class, I guess I'll just answer the question from last time. I was born in Provo, and then my family moved to Spanish Fork, and then I moved back to Provo where I live now. I've been a lot of places, but I've only really lived in two.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Today we talked about using the Pen Tool to select and divide pictures to create figures from drawings. It was really cool! I'll probably end up using that in my paper. Ha! My geological pallet of tools is becoming larger by the minute! I feel the power seeping through my brain at this very moment that you read this blog! Bwa ha ha ha!

But for all that power, I'm still not quite sure how to manipulate my lines very well. They seem to have minds of their own. Oh well, I'll just do as Nichole suggests and "grab the lollipops and manipulate them" if worst comes to worst.

Since today is a freebee, I'll just use this space to tell you that I saw Dr. Ritter's devotional rebroadcast on the BYU channel last night and I thought it was phenomenal. I miss taking classes from him.