Monday, September 29, 2008

Review day!

So, once upon a time, there was a 230 class who did their very best to listen to their teacher, Nichole. One day she taught them how to review papers, and the class did their very best to learn how to highlight, make comment bubbles, and translate words into Arabic. In this class there was a girl named Taryn. Taryn tried very hard to learn all these wonderful editing tips like the rest of her hardworking classmates, but unfortunately she was not able to fully grasp the idea of a reviewing pane. Taryn was so frustrated that she changed her major to psychology, and graduated from the U. The End.

JK, it was a good lecture Nichole.

Worst movie ever: Ouch, I've seen a lot, and can't narrow it down. Uh, Rolling Thunder Hear My Cry is high up there though.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Soon to be posted here: [copy of a paragraph from Taryn's proposal]

Site under construction

(sorry Adam, I'm not happy with my proposal paragraphs yet, but I will have one on here tonight.)

In the meanwhile:

Earthquakes have cost the lives of nearly 400,000 people in the South Asia region in the past two years. These earthquakes and associated tsunami are sourced from a build-up of stress due to convergence of the Indo-Australian and Asian Plates. As a result to stress buildup, the Timor region of the Indonesian Tsunami Machine has some of the most extensive flights of emergent coral reef terraces in the world. This paper proposes to investigate these marine terraces for the purpose of quantifying the distribution of strain over a range of temporal and spatial scales in a unique arc-continent collision zone.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello folks!

So, today was good, I learned a lot about my website.

Unfortunately I was unable to actually do any of that since my site wasn't working. I need to learn how to make this dealeo work since I'm behind now. So if you have time later Adam, some help would be appreciated. :)

When I was a kid, I was going to cure aids. Seriously, for years I was convinced that that was my purpose in life. I guess that the only way that that dream will be realized now is if the cure can be found in some rock or mineral. Who knows? Maybe that's the answer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kim's lecture

Yo yo! Well, I took a web design class, as well as several other computer classes, so I didn't really have any new big sparkling revelations, but I was amused with Kim's references to "trojans".

Yeah, I'm not sure I'm good friends with BYU's geology site yet, but I will play with it and friendship will come.

My favorite food(s - really, why pick only one?) would definitely have to be pasta anything and then ice-cream anything. But really, who's gonna whine with some good home cookin'?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Superhero Power

So today I was kindly reminded of wonderful ways to improve my writing. I appreciated the "finding your prime time to write" section. Definitely helpful.

So, if I had a superpower, I think I would either be able to fly or heal. Either would totally rock.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You didn't fail Nichole, I didn't know about endnote, that was cool. Hope you're doing well.

Anyway, if I were a color, I would be blue. I'm just kind of a cool, chillin' kind a color. Goes well with a lot of things, but not everything. Is really different when you mix me with different colors, but if you mix too much, I go grey.

Hope that answers your question!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Good lecture today Nichole. Definitely new information. I'll make sure to hang onto the notes for when I'm writing proposals in the future.

By the way, the cool trivia fact of the day is that a baby blue whale can gain 200 pounds per day as it drinks 50 gallons of it's mother's milk! Crazy eh? It was on my cheesestick this morning, so it must be true. That would actually be an amazing dream vacation to go swimming with the whales! Basically my dream vacation would be relaxing, fun and interesting. I would be doing something or seeing something that I've never seen or done before and doing it with people that I love. Sigh, is it summer yet?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bill's lecture

Wow, great lecture Bill! I really learned a lot about interviewing! I feel a lot more confident in preparing myself to get out there and look for a job.

I think if I was preparing for a job, I would tell my interviewer that I would differentiate myself by telling them that I'm a good arguer, and feel confident in myself to persuade others on behalf of the company.

Don't know if that's exactly what you wanted Nichole, but that's what I got.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So, today we went over CV's and cover letters. That's cool, I haven't done either of those in a while. Once again Nichole, I don't think I have any questions yet. Maybe I'll just save them all up for a while and then blast you with them all at once. No, just kidding.

Okay, so the best prank ever: You release three pigs or goats or chickens or something into a building and number them 1, 2, and 4. You'd be amazed how long people will comb the building looking for wild animal 3! Way too funny.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I learned that hitting the "alt" button makes all the hot keys show up! Now I can feel like a cool geek that knows all the hot keys and can move like lightening! Finally all my high school dreams are coming true! A-ha!

No questions for you though Nicole, you're just too good at explaining things I guess.

So, I also have a really awesome scar below the right side of my mouth from where I got bit in the face by a doberman. Yeah, moral of the story is don't hug dobermans, ever. It actually wasn't that bad. I was maybe seven years old and I went into shock and all I remember is a lot of pink because that's the color of the neighbor lady's bathroom who tried to clean me up after her dog almost ate my head. Fun story, good ice-breaker on an awkward date...

First 210 Lecture

Hey, today we learned what all those cool little icons mean in Word 2007. English teachers of the future beware! Competent students are coming!